G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) oligomerization has been observed in a wide variety of experimental contexts, but the functional significance of this phenomenon at different stages of the life cycle of class A GPCRs remains to be elucidated. Rhodopsin (Rh), a prototypical class A GPCR of visual transduction, is also capable of forming dimers and higher order oligomers. The recent demonstration that Rh monomer is sufficient to activate its cognate G protein, transducin, prompted us to test whether the same monomeric state is sufficient for rhodopsin phosphorylation and arrestin-1 binding. Here we show that monomeric active rhodopsin is phosphorylated by rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) as efficiently as rhodopsin in the native disc membrane. Monomeric phosphorylated lightactivated Rh (P-Rh*) in nanodiscs binds arrestin-1 essentially as well as P-Rh* in native disc membranes. We also measured the affinity of arrestin-1 for P-Rh* in nanodiscs using a fluorescence-based assay and found that arrestin-1 interacts with monomeric P-Rh* with low nanomolar affinity and 1:1 stoichiometry, as previously determined in native disc membranes. Thus, similar to transducin activation, rhodopsin phosphorylation by GRK1 and high affinity arrestin-1 binding only requires a rhodopsin monomer.Visual phototransduction is quenched by a two-step mechanism. First, light-activated rhodopsin (Rh*) 3 is phosphorylated multiple times by GRK1. Arrestin-1 4 binding to active phosphorylated rhodopsin (P-Rh*) blocks further transducin activation (1) by steric exclusion (2). The binding of arrestin-1 to P-Rh* is an important molecular mechanism for signal shut-off (3). However, key details of the requirements for physical interaction of arrestin-1 with rhodopsin remain to be explored. Rhodopsin, which is highly concentrated in photoreceptor membranes, has been observed to form arrays of dimers, thus raising the possibility that the dimer is a functional unit (4). Although evidence of a preferred dimer interface has been reported (5), the functional role of rhodopsin oligomers remains controversial (6, 7). Accumulating evidence with other GPCRs indicates that oligomerization could be widespread (8 -10). Several models for rhodopsin dimers (11, 12) and monomers (6, 13) interacting with signaling partners transducin, rhodopsin kinase, and arrestin have been proposed. These models need rigorous experimental testing at different steps of the functional cycle of rhodopsin and other class A GPCRs (reviewed in Refs. 7 and 14). Modified high density lipoprotein particles (nanodiscs) consist of a phospholipid bilayer stabilized by a membrane scaffold protein (MSP) (15-17). These nanodiscs can be used to selectively isolate monomeric GPCRs imbedded into lipid bilayer. We (18) and others (19,20) have previously demonstrated that rhodopsin monomers incorporated in nanodiscs are highly functional in signaling to transducin. The same was shown for monomeric rhodopsin purified in detergent (dodecyl maltoside), where rhodopsin and transducin form a 1:1 complex (21). Howe...