The population-based epidemiological indices (crude incidence, survival rate, mortality, etc.) of childhood leukemia (0-14 years of age) from 1969 to 1993 in Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, were calculated, using data obtained from the Registry of Childhood Malignancies in Hokkaido Prefecture. A total of 1,084 cases of leukemia were diagnosed in the 1969-93 period.The annual incidence of all types of leukemia from I984 to I993 was about 4 per 100,000 children aged 0-14 years, with the incidence of ANLL decreasing slightly and that of ALL increasing. The ratio of ALL/ANLL could similarly be seen to be increasing in all age groups. Out of a cohort of 100,000 live births, about 65 children developed leukemia by 14 years of age, and in this longitudinal observation the ratio of ALL/ANLL was increasing. The incidence of ALL and ANLL and the ratio of ALL/ANLL in Japanese children are approaching those ofCaucasians. Approximately 80% of the ALL cases were of the LI type (FAB classification), and about 65% of these could be immunologically classified as "common" ALL. The 5-year survival rate of T-and B-cell ALL cases was 50% or less, while that of "common" ALL cases was about 80%.o 1996 Wiley-LiSs, Inc.