Five malignant miied miillerian tumors and one rhabdomyosarcoma were observed in LEWIS rats. Heterologous mullerian neoplasms (cases 1 4 ) consisted of epithelial and mesenchymal elements including squamous epithelium, glandular epithelium and sarcomatous, rhabdomyosarcomatous, cartilaginous as well as OSS~OUS parts. All the heterologous tumors revealed undifferentiated areas with an anaplastic appearance. The homologous miillenan tumor (case 5 ) was composed of glandular epithelium embedded in sarcomatous tissue. The rhabdomyosarcoma (case 6) consisted of bundles of elongated strap-like cells mixed with cells resembling rhabdomyoblasts.Keywords. Uterus tumors; mixed mesodermal tumors; carcinosarcoma; embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma; histopathology; LEWIS rats Malignant mixed mullerian tumors are characterized by an admixture of malignant epithelial and mesenchymal elements. If the stromal component is an undifferentiated sarcoma, the neoplasm is designated as homologous. Heterologous mixed mullerian tumors are those that also contain chondrosarcomatous, osteosarcomatous and/or rhabdomyosarcomatous parts (5). This distinction between types was emphasized in the past by the,use of different terms: carcinosarcoma for homologous tumors and mixed mesodermal tumor for heterologous neoplasms (1). The occurrence of malignant mixed mullerian tumors in man is well documented (2, 6, 12), while the tumors have not been observed in domestic or laboratory animals up to now. Rhabdomyosarcomas of the uterus in man can occur either as a constituent of malignant mixed mullerian tumors or as pure rhabdomyosarcomas. The latter tumor type is rare (3,7) and occurs predominantly in children (8, 9). The only case of rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus in animals has been reported in a one-year-old quarter horse filly (1 1). The histogenesis of mixed mullerian tumors and uterine rhabdomyosarcomas in man is still uncertain. An origin from either pluripotent persisting remnants of the primitive mesoderm of mullerian ducts (7, 10) or from metaplasia (3, 7) of endometrial stroma have been mainly discussed. In the present report, we describe the histopathological features of heterologous (cases 1-4) and homologous (case 5 ) malignant mixed mullerian tumors as well as of an uterine rhabdomyosarcoma (case 6). To our knowledge, there are no doc-* umented reports of these uterine tumor types in rats or other laboratory animals. The tumor-bearing rats belonged to a colony of LEW/Han rats (300 males, 300 females) kept in a longevity-study from weaning to their natural death. They were housed in groups of 5 (separated according to sex) in polycarbonate cages in an animal room at 22 f 1°C room temperature, 55 f 5% relative humidity, 15 mm H20 atmospheric pressure, with a 12: 12 hr light-dark sequence and an air exchange rate of 20 times per hr. All rats were fed an autoclaved, cereal-based diet ad libittiin. Acidified and pasteurized tap water was continually available. The breeding colony of LEWIS rats is examined routinely and the rats arc known to...