Random binary search trees are obtained by recursively inserting the elements σ(1), σ(2), . . . , σ(n) of a uniformly random permutation σ of [n] = {1, . . . , n} into a binary search tree data structure. Devroye (1986) proved that the height of such trees is asymptotically of order c * log n, where c * = 4.311 . . . is the unique solution of c log((2e)/c) = 1 with c ≥ 2. In this paper, we study the structure of binary search trees Tn,q built from Mallows permutations. A Mallows(q) permutation is a random permutation of [n] = {1, . . . , n} whose probability is proportional to q Inv(σ) , where Inv(σ) = #{i < j : σ(i) > σ(j)}. This model generalizes random binary search trees, since Mallows(q) permutations with q = 1 are uniformly distributed. The laws of Tn,q and T n,q −1 are related by a simple symmetry (switching the roles of the left and right children), so it suffices to restrict our attention to q ≤ 1.We show that, for q ∈ [0, 1], the height of Tn,q is asymptotically (1+o( 1))(c * log n+n(1−q)) in probability. This yields three regimes of behaviour for the height of Tn,q, depending on whether n(1 − q)/ log n tends to zero, tends to infinity, or remains bounded away from zero and infinity. In particular, when n(1 − q)/ log n tends to zero, the height of Tn,q is asymptotically of order c * log n, like it is for random binary search trees. Finally, when n(1 − q)/ log n tends to infinity, we prove stronger tail bounds and distributional limit theorems for the height of Tn,q.