registros; em aves, a avoante (Zenaida auriculata), com 39 registros; e em anfíbios, o sapo cururu (Rhinella icterica), com 20 animais. Os eventos tiveram influência da sazonalidade, do tipo de matriz do entorno ao acidente, da pluviosidade e da temperatura. Não foram identificadas medidas mitigatórias eficientes nas pistas. Sugeriu-se a instalação de meios para a transposição das rodovias pela fauna em áreas críticas identificadas. Entretanto, são necessários mais estudos, a fim de identificar características específicas das rodovias e das espécies presentes na região.Palavras-chave: animais silvestres, tráfego rodoviário, atropelamentos.
AbstractThe habitat loss or fragmentation and reduced connectivity between habitats are common features in areas with roads. These impacts have close liaison with trampling of wild vertebrates. This study aimed to identify and quantify the factors that influence directly and indirectly these accidents. Four sections (North, South, East and West) at 100 km of highway BR 158, 287, 392 and RST 241 were monitored, through a different route every week in each trip, totaling 48 in the period from December 2008 to December 2009. The starting point of the routes was the outskirts of Santa Maria, zero km of the route, returning by the same BR occurred after traveling 100 km on the highway. 829 individuals were recorded, belonging to four classes, 43 families and 83 species. The percentage of roadkill mammals was 51.6%; 31.9% of birds; 11.7% of reptiles; and 4.7% of amphibians. The sampling effort of 9600 km resulted in an average of 0.086 roadkill/km. The most roadkilled