М а м м о л о г и я / M a m m o l o g y 2 ' 2 0 1 7 Том 13 / Vol. 13
ОПУХОЛИ ЖЕНСКОЙ РЕПРОДУКТИВНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ TUMORS OF FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM игина н стат иМаммографическая плотность как критерий эффективности лечения мастопатии и снижения риска рака молочной железы В. Г. Беспалов, Ю. Ф. Негусторов ФГБУ «НИИ онкологии им. Н. Н. Петрова» Минздрава России; Россия, 197758, Санкт-Петербург, пос. Песочный, ул. Ленинградская Health, Russia, 197758, Saint-Petersburg, Pesochny, Leningradskaya St., 68
High mammographic density (MD) is a risk factor of breast cancer. The article discusses the relationship between MD and risk of breast cancer and proliferative benign breast disease (BBD), the impact of BBD treatment on MD. The types of MD according to BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) are considered. High MD is an independent and strong risk factor for breast cancer, proliferative BBD and precancerous lesions in mammary tissue. Long-term pathogenetic treatment of BBD reduces MD. The drug progestogel, transdermal micronized progesterone, eliminates the imbalance of estrogens and progestins in the mammary tissue, which is the main pathogenic mechanism of the development of BBD. The clinical experience of the evaluation of the effect of progestogel on MD is presented. Progestogel ® in monotherapy was prescribed to patients with BBD in the form of cutaneous applications once a day, daily 2.5 g per each mammary gland for 3 months. Patients underwent 3 courses of treatment for 3 months with a break between courses of 1 month. Before the treatment and 1 year after the treatment, mammography was performed. Progestogel reduced MD in patients with BBD. Mammography with an evaluation of MD is recommended as an objective criterion for evaluating the efficiency of treatment of BBD and chemopevention of breast cancer.Key words: mammographic density, benign breast disease, BI-RADS system, prevention of breast cancer, progesterone, drug progestogel Введение Мастопатия -самое частое заболевание женщин. Распространенность мастопатии в женской популя-ции, по данным разных авторов, составляет до 60 %; причем патология имеет возрастные эпидемиологиче- До настоящего времени нет общепринятой терми-нологии и классификации мастопатии. Обычно к масто-патии относят все доброкачественные или нераковые