Psycho-semiotics is a qualitative research perspective aiming at developing the seminal intuition by Peirce (1931Peirce ( -1958 according to whom man is a complex network of signs. Hence, text and talk-in-interaction are the basic "psycho-discursive practices" ( Wetherell 2008) where the intersubjective nature of sense making is revealed. Peirce is an inspiring point of reference for psycho-semiotics also at a methodological level, since he considered not only deduction and induction as research practices able to characterize the process of scientific knowledge production, but he emphasized an inferential modality labeled "abduction." Moving from such assumptions, the aim of the present paper is to introduce the notion of diatext as a reflexive way to enhance the value of this abducing procedure. Diatextual approach is a specific methodological orientation within critical discourse analysis specifically aimed at capturing the dynamics between interlocutors, text, and context which characterize any kind of human interaction. A corpus of empirical data, collected within different social contexts, will allow us to discuss and to understand how diatexts actually work as yeast for human discourses.