Over 1 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year worldwide, with a wide range of research programs requiring access to patient tissue samples for development of improved diagnoses and treatments. A random sampling of prostate tissue is sufficient for certain research studies; however, there is growing research need to target areas of the aggressive tumor as fresh tissue. Here we set out to develop a new pathway “PEOPLE: PatiEnt prOstate samPLes for rEsearch” to collect high‐quality fresh tissue for research use, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to target areas of tumor and benign tissue.
Prostate tissue was sampled following robotic radical prostatectomy, using MRI data to target areas of benign and tumor tissue. Initially, 25 cases were sampled using MRI information from clinical notes. A further 59 cases were sampled using an optimized method that included specific MRI measurements of tumor location along with additional exclusion criteria. All cases were reviewed in batches with detailed clinical and histopathological data recorded. For one subset of samples, DNA was extracted and underwent quality control. Ex vivo culture was carried out using the gelatin sponge method for an additional subset.
Tumor was successfully fully or partially targeted in 64% of the initial cohort and 70% of the optimized cohort. DNA of high quality and concentration was isolated from 39 tumor samples, and ex vivo culture was successfully carried out in three cases with tissue morphology, proliferation, and apoptosis remaining comparable before and after 72 hours culture.
Here we report initial data from the PEOPLE pathway; using a method for targeting areas of tumor within prostate samples using MRI. This method operates alongside the standard clinical pathway and minimizes additional input from surgical, radiological, and pathological teams, while preserving surgical margins and diagnostic tissue.