Objective: This article will describe how the CPUGGp Management Board utilizes social media in the diffusion of geotourism as a form of sustainable tourism development.
Method: The method used in this research is qualitative. The researchers obtained primary data from interviews and observation. Then for secondary data, the researchers obtained it from documents related to the management of the CPUGGp.
Result: Media has a major role in the diffusion of information about Ciletuh Geopark. It is done through various platforms, either mass, non-mass or online media. The results showed that despite the diffusion, the Board faced several social media management problems, from personnel to equipment to third-party management.
Conclusion: The addition of public relations personnel will certainly help the diffusion or communication process to be more effective. Moreover, the addition of hardware will allow public relations to deliver messages about sustainable tourism development in the Geopark more quickly.