Introduction: Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC’s) are expansile, tumour-like vascular lesion. They are more commonly seen in the metaphyseal region of long bones. They are benign lesion although malignant transformation has been reported. Usually presents in the first three decades of life. Common presentation is pain, swelling, or fracture. Proximal femur with ABC’s is a rare entity and with physeal extension is even sparse.
Case Report: A 13- year-. old female presented in the orthopaedic emergency with complaints of pain in the right hip region following a trivial fall. Following trauma, the patient was unable to stand or walk. On examination, there was tenderness in Scarpa’s triangle, straight leg raise test was not possible and limb was in external rotation. Plain radiography revealed an inter-trochanteric fracture with cystic lesion in the proximal femur extending till until epiphysis. MRI of the proximal femur showed an air fluid level with septations and soft- tissue oedema suggestive of aneurysmal bone cyst ABC’s. The patient was managed by intra-lesional curettage with fibular strut grafting along with cancellous bone graft and fixation by Uni-planar external fixator.
Conclusion: Pathological Fractures fractures of proximal femur management is are a challenge for an orthopaedic surgeon due to its location and biomechanical factors. Treatment of proximal femur ABC’s should be case dependent. In our opinion, aneursymal bone cyst of the proximal femur with physeal extension can be managed by external fixation along with extensive curettage and bone graft.
Keywords: Aneurysmal bone cyst, proximal femur, external fixation