BACKGROUND: Gunshot wounds (GSWs) to the extremities can result in damage to the neurovascular structure which results in high morbidity and loss of function. According to the Centers for Disease Control report, the incidence of non-fatal GSWs has increased in the past decade. Trauma to the brachial plexus is a type of peripheral nerve trauma that is most difficult to treat due to its complex surgical procedures. Early exploration and reconstruction of peripheral nerve trauma are still being debated to this day. However, most recommend surgical exploration when the suspicion of neurovascular trauma is very high based on clinical findings. Nerve transfer is one of the recommended methods of nerve reconstruction even in pre-ganglionic lesions. We report a case of a patient with weakness of the upper limb after a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. Based on clinical considerations and investigations, nerve transfer procedure is carried out to restore patient’s shoulder function.
CASE REPORT: Male, 32 years old, working as a policeman, complained difficulty on moving his shoulder for 3 months. Patients had a history of GSWs to the left shoulder which also results in a left clavicular fracture. First aid, debridement, and fracture management were performed at Bhayangkara Hospital, Palu. Physical examination revealed winging scapula positive on his left shoulder, shoulder abduction 5/1, and hypoesthesia at left C5 level. Electromyographic examination revealed lesions on the left posterior chord and left brachial plexus. Based on clinical findings and supporting examination, we performed nerve transfers procedure from the accessory nerve to suprascapular notch. In the previous study, 63% of cases GSWs associated with nerve dysfunction. About 75% of patients with nerve palsy are associated with nerve lacerations during surgical exploration. However, many surgeons continue to recommend early exploration after GSWs to the upper extremities, especially in patients who will undergo surgical treatment for other indications. Based on this, we suggest the probable cause of brachial plexus lesions in this case resulted from gunshot wound which injures the brachial plexus or as a complication from previous procedures. Surgery that is too early can interfere with the spontaneous reinnervation process, but late surgical procedures can result in failure of reinnervation. In general, optimal time is set between 3 and 6 months after trauma. Nerve transfer is one method of reconstructing peripheral nerve lesions that can be applied to pre-ganglionic or post-ganglionic lesions.
CONCLUSION: This procedure has several benefits, namely, the proximity of the donor and the recipient nerve anatomy, shorter operating time and does not require grafts. Brachial plexus trauma due to trauma or non-trauma together has an impact on the patient’s quality of life. However, advances in surgical techniques and further understanding of nerve physiology have led clinicians and patients to better outcomes. The current trend of treatment strategies for brachial plexus trauma is surgical reconstruction with the nerve transfer procedure.