Neck trauma is a very important surgical emergency faced by ENT surgeons in day to day practice. They are potentially life threatening conditions due to the presence of many vital structures in this area. Timely presentation to the referral centre and proper multidisciplinary approach towards management plays a pivotal role in the healing pattern of the wound and prevention of serious complication like shock, sepsis, laryngeal stenosis or fistula formation. A retrospective study was done in ENT Department, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India during the period of 2014-2016. 17 patients were included in the study. All the records regarding symptoms at presentation, type and mode of injury, level of injury were analyzed. Management plan undertaken were thoroughly studied and post operative complications like hoarseness, stenosis or fistula formation were noted carefully. 14 out of 17 patients were male, all 17 patients belonged to lower socioeconomic status. Most common age group presenting with neck trauma was between 22 and 40 years. 7 case were homicidal, 5 cases were suicidal and 4 were of accidental injury. Most cases reached hospital within 2-6 h of injury except 3 cases which took more than 8 h. Bleeding from wound site was most common symptom at presentation. Most injuries in 13 out of 17 cases were at thyroid cartilage level. Penetrating neck trauma was most common followed by blunt neck trauma. Most cases required emergency tracheostomy along with primary laryngotracheal repair. Most common post operative complication seen was wound dehiscence, subglottic stenosis and fistula formation. Neck trauma and cut throat injuries are potentially life threatening emergency that require multidisciplinary approach. Timely intervention can be crucial in preventing fatal complications and reducing morbidity period of the patient.