The elderly patient is not simply an older adult and needs to have drug therapy applied with caution with regard to the physiologic changes associated with aging that impact the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of medicinals used in this population. The elderly patient has a number of physiologic changes with age that affect metabolism, distribution, and excretion. In addition, there exists information that demonstrates changes in the pharmacodynamics of drug therapy commonly used in the elderly. This article reviews these changes. SURVEYS HAVE DEMONSTRATED that most health care professionals are neither prepared to nor feel confident in delivering services to the geriatric population. This, coupled with negative stereotyping in the elderly by health care professionals, leads to inappropriate decisions for therapy and health care in general. In order to provide adequate pharmaceutical care to the elderly and avoid inappropriate use of medications, the practitioner needs to understand normal physiologic changes with age that impact the application of drug therapy in the older patient.2 2 THE ELDERLY POPULATION By definition, elderly are those 65 years of age or older. They comprise only 12.7% of the United States population, which translates into over 34.4 million people over age 65.2,3 This segment of the population continues to grow in numbers with estimations of over 70 million, or 20% of the population being elderly by the year Martin D Higbee, PharmD, CGP, The University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy, 1703 E Mabel, Tucson, AZ 85721.2030. Within this population, those over 75 years of age represent one of the fastest growing segments of our entire population. This is of concern to health care professionals since it is the 75-year-old and older persons who suffer the most consequences of disease and drug therapy due to a significantly diminished homeostatic reserve. That is, these elderly just don't &dquo;bounce&dquo; back as well as younger adults when stressed by disease or adverse drug effects. 2-5The elderly, despite their small percentage of the population, utilize a significant amount of health care resources.