Introduction.Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) as a complication of balloon dilatation (BD) of corrosive esophageal stricture is a very rare and serious condition. Life threatening aspiration pneumonia requests urgent lungs' protection, but overall treatment strategy is not clearly defined. Case report. Twenty-month-old female child accidentally ingested a household bleach. Caustic injury of esophagus was healing with development of strictures of cervical and proximal thoracic esophagus. TEF was developed during the third BD.Healing of TEF and pulmonary infection was achieved by exclusion of the esophagus (pharyngostomy and feeding gastrostomy)together with prolonged tracheobronchial intubation and toilette.Retrosternal colon interposition was performed a year later, with excellent functional results over four-year follow-up. Conclusion. Esophageal exclusion in the first stage, and pharyngoesophageal reconstruction in the second stage, is a useful therapeutic option in the treatment of TEF caused by balloon dilatation of corrosive esophageal stricture in children. Key words: corrosive esophageal stricture, balloon dilatation, acquired tracheoesophageal fistula, reconstruction of the esophagus. Apstrakt Uvod.Traheoezofagusna fistula (TEF) kaokomplikacija balon dilatacije (BD)korozivne stenoze jednjaka je vrlo retko I teško stanje. Po život opasna aspiraciona pneumonija zahteva urgentnu zaštitu pluća, ali opšta strategija lečenja nije jasno definisana. Prikaz slučaja. Dvadeseto mesečna devojčica je zadesno progutala kućni izbeljivač. Stenoza vraogiproksimalnog grudnog jednjaka razvila se kao posledica kaustične povrede jednjaka. Do razvoja TEF došlo je tokom treće procedure BD. Sanacija TEF I plućne infekcije postignuta je ekskluzijom jednjaka (faringostomainutrutivna gastrostoma) uz prolongiranu traheobronhijalnu intubaciju I toaletu. Retrosternalna interpozicija dugog segmenta kolona je uraĎena nakon godinu dana, sa odličnim funkcionalnim rezultatom tokom četvorogodišnjeg praćenja. Zaključak. Ekskluzija jednjaka u prvom, I faringoezofagealna rekonstrukcija u drugom stadijumu, predstavlja efikasan način lečenjaTEF nastale prilikom BD korozivne stenoze jednjaka. Ključne reči: Korozivna stenoza jednjaka, balon dilatacija, stečena traheoezofagusna fistula, rekonstrukcija jednjaka.