“…Whilst incontinence itself is not a life threatening illness, it has been viewed by some as a state worse than death [89]. It is difficult to ascertain if it is the incontinence or Vulnerability and threats to social integrity [33] Feeling like a child [21,74] Feeling like a burden or a nuisance [21] Feeling degraded [78] Feeling unclean/dirty [21,32,72,73] Being embarrassed [21,23,68,74,75,78] Feeling ashamed and humiliated, leading to loss of personhood [21,23,32,68,72,73,75] Being anxious, afraid, distressed, agitated [30,32,33,69,70,72,73,75,77,79] Feeling stigmatised [69,70,77] Low self-esteem [71,74] Self-imposed isolation [80] Resistance to care [30,33,74] Concerns about odour [78] Being ethically compromised & morally distressed [33,71,72] Feeling ...…”