In fabricating complete denture, flabby ridge and flat ridge require special impression technique. Pressure causes by impression in flabby ridge may compress the tissue. Ideally, modified open mouth impression technique is used to avoid compression in flabby area which cause denture base displacement. Flat ridge offers little possibility of retention, stability, and the muscle attachments are located near the crest of the residual ridge so there is more dislocating effect to horizontal and vertical movement. Closed mouth functional impression technique may produce a more retentive denture base for flat ridge because it record peripheral seal and denture bearing area with patient’s functional. The main problem arises when flat ridge is also accompanied by flabby ridge. Closed mouth functional impression technique in this case cause pressure on the flabby ridge. This case report discusses about the management of the case with modification to functional closed mouth impression technique using wax as a spacer which is covered with metal mesh on the flabby ridge. The function of closed mouth functional impression technique is to obtain optimal muscle trimming and impression with patient’s functional pressure and movement, to obtain the extension of the denture base to movable unmovable tissue during function. Modification with wax spacer in flabby area so that non-spacer area act as stopper during functional impression, and flabby ridge is free from pressure. Additional modification with metal mesh above the wax serves as escape holes, as well as scaffold for retention of impression material. Modification in this impression technique produce denture base which does not compress flabby ridge, and also obtain retentive, and stable base for flat ridge case.