Nasal injuries are commonly assessed in the accident and emergency (A&E) departments. Where swelling precludes assessment of deformity, patients are often referred to the ear, nose and throat (ENT) outpatients once the swelling has subsided. However, not all of these pateints require referral. Patients with no deformity, or those in whom there is no deformity after any swelling has subsided, do not need further assessment. The purpose of this audit was to assess the impact of a nasal injury management guideline on nasal injury referrals to the ENT department. An audit was made of nasal injury referrals seen in ENT outpatients, before and after the introduction of a guideline. The proportion of patients seen in ENT outpatients not requiring any ENT treatment after the introduction of the guideline was reduced. We suggest that our guideline can reduce unnecessary ENT outpatient appointments for patients with nasal injuries and may prevent delayed ENT input for those with new onset nasal deformity.