Gram-negative bacterial are known as common pathogen caused infection in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Microbial Pattern and Antibiotic Susceptibility are needed as clinical data for selected appropriate antibiotic therapy. In PICU Dr. Soetomo hospital until now still lacking of Microbial Pattern and Antibiotic Susceptibility data. This descriptive study is to recognized Microbial Pattern and Antibiotic Susceptibility in PICU patients from blood, urine, sputum, stool, cerebrospinal fluid, endotracheal tube, pus swab and pleural fluid culture specimens. Patients whose admitted into PICU without signs of infections were excluded from the study. The inclusion criteria are patients with sign infection as follows: fever < 36,5°C or > 37.5°C, leukocyte < 4000/mm 3 or > 10000/mm 3 , marker infections CRP >10 mg/L or PCT >0,3 ng/mL, bradycardia or tachycardia, tachypnea, infiltrates on chest X-ray, turbid urine, dysuria, thrombophlebitis, abdominal pain or tenderness, and mucous or skin lesion. Medical record data from 2011 to 2016, revealed 1138 patients had positive microbial culture result, wherein positive result came from blood 44.46%, urine 19.15%, sputum 11.59%, stool 8.96%, cerebrospinal fluid 7.50%, endotracheal tube 4.04%, pus swab 2.89%, and pleural fluid 1.41%. The microorganisms found in PICU Dr. Soetomo was dominated with gram negative bacteria. Commonest bacterial that recognized from blood was B. cepacea, urine was E. coli, sputum was P. aeruginosa, Stool was E. coli, Cerebrospinal fluid was S. cohnii, endotracheal tube was K. pneumoniae ESBL, pus swab was S. aureus, and pleural fluid was S. maltophilia. Both gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria isolates revealed multiple drug resistance to commonly used antibiotic, but still had good susceptibility for antibiotic such as; amikacin, cefoperazone-sulbactam, linezolid, vancomycin and carbapenem group.
ABSTRAKBakteri gram negatif merupakan patogen tersering penyebab infeksi di ruang rawat intensif anak. Pola bakteri dan kepekaan antibiotik diperlukan sebagai data klinis dalam pemilihan terapi antibiotik yang sesuai. Di ruang rawat intensif anak RS.Dr. Soetomo hingga saat ini masih sangat kekurangan data mengenai pola bakteri dan kepekaan antibiotik. Penelitian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk membuat pola bakteri dan kepekaan antibiotika pada pasien yang dirawat di ruang rawat intensif anak dari spesimen darah, urin, sputum, feces, cairan serebrospinal,tabung endotrakeal (ETT), pus luka dan cairan pleura. Pasien yang masuk ke PICU yang tidak menunjukkan tanda dan gejala infeksi di eklusi dari penelitian. Kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya tanda dan gejala infeksi, antara lain ;demam < 36,5°C or > 37.5°C, kadar leukosit darah < 4000/mm3 or > 10000/mm3, marker infeksi CRP >10 mg/L or PCT >0,3 ng/mL, bradikardi atau takikardi, takipneu, gambaran infiltrate pada radiologi paru,urine yang keruh, nyeri berkemih, tromboplebitis, nyeri perut, dan lesi pada mukosa atau kulit. Dari data rekam medis dari tahun 2011 sampai...