The term "neuro-obstetrics" refers to a multidisciplinary approach to the care of pregnant women with neurologic comorbidities, both preconceptionally and throughout pregnancy. General preconception care should be offered to all women, including women with neurologic disease. Women with neurologic comorbidities should also be offered specialist preconception care by an obstetrician who consults with a neurologist, anesthesiologist, and if indicated clinical geneticist and/or other specialists.In women with neurologic comorbidities, neurologic sequelae may influence the course of the pregnancy and delivery. Also, pregnancy may influence the severity of the neurologic condition, depending on the type of disease. Physiologic adaptations during pregnancy and altered pharmacokinetics may cause altered blood serum levels of drugs, leading to decreased or increased drug effects. When administering drugs to a woman who wishes to conceive, it is important to consider possible teratogenic effects and possible secretion in breast milk. Tailoring medication regimens should be considered, preferably preconceptionally. In this chapter, we review general principles of neuro-obstetric care, as well as some specific considerations for neurologists, obstetricians, and anesthesiologists caring for pregnant women with common neurologic conditions.