The high incidence of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) and lifelong expensive treatment, diagnosis and dialysis drown the acceptance of Ayurveda as holistic care. The incidence of renal diseases is increasing two-fold in Ayurveda hospital in past one decade. The commonest patients are CKD, renal calculus and nephritis. Holistic approach is personalised and treating cause than symptom through diet, Yoga, Panchakarma(detoxification), Herbo-mineral remedies, meditation and modulation/correction of daily lifestyle. Optimum sugar and blood pressure control along with reno protective medicines can prevent the progression of CKD to end stage renal diseases and reduce renal dialysis and replacement therapy. Ayurveda physician should not ignore nephrotoxic plants and heavy metal containing medications. Fifteen single drugs, seven Ayurveda formulations and nephrotoxic Ayurveda herb/compound are described with evidences. In this review, holistic health care approach through Ayurveda medicine, diet Panchakarma, practice of yoga , pranayama , life style modifications to prevent and reduce the complications of chronic renal diseases are discussed with evidences.