Although trans-brachial approach via brachial cut done, that has been introduced by Sones in , was the prefer method for coronary angiography in the s and s, because of the complexity of the procedure, it lost its popularity during last decades. Meanwhile trans-femoral TF approach became popular and dominant method for catheterization and angiography, because of the simplicity of the technique and operatorfriendly. Whereas trans-radial TR approach in aortography for the first time was reported by Radner S, in [ ], due to small vessel size, this technique has been abandoned until , that Campeau did relive this technique and introduced it as an ideal approach for coronary angiography [ ]. Although TF approach still is dominant approach worldwide, during the last decade TR approach has emerged as a new method for coronary angiography and angioplasty, mostly in European countries and Japan. Because of its advantages, less vascular complication and early mobilization of patients, TR approach is going to be the method of choice for cardiac catheterization and angiography. TR technique encompasses vast majority of procedures, including diagnostic and interventional procedures, and suitable for most patients.There is no doubt that all three above mentioned approaches are applicable in invasive and interventional cardiology but we are looking for the most feasible and safest approach for vascular access for coronary angiography and intervention.The purpose of this chapter is to compare the different approaches in coronary angiography and intervention regarding their applicability, feasibility and safety.