Objective:To know about outcome of Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage based on Glasgow outcome scale at the time of discharge from the hospital. with total 6 months' duration. All patients with traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage having both genders and having age from 10 to 60 years were included. Patients with sub arachnoid hemorrhage due to aneurysm, AVM, brain tumors, neuroinfections, anticoagulants, sickle cell anemia and having other forms of traumatic brain injuries were excluded. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis and showed in the form of tables and graphs.Results: 48% patients were in age group from 2 nd to 4 th decade while 19% had age< 2 nd decade and remaining 33 % patients age > 40 years. 32 years ± 2.12SD was the mean age for all patients. 72% patients were male and 28% females. RTA (58.97%) was most common cause and majority of the patients initially at arrival were in the GCS range of 3 to 8 (74.74%). At the discharge from the hospital 60% patients had unfavorable traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage while 40% patients had favorable traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Conclusion: Our study concluded that the frequency of unfavorable traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage is higher in KPK as compare to other international studies because of severity of the trauma, late presentation of the patients in the hospital, less community education about traumatic brain injuries, short time of follow up, Deficiency of neurosurgical icu,s in our set up.