The virtual world of the Internet may be used to support positive youth development. Accessing resources in educational, employment, health, and social domains is enhanced by the ability to effectively use digital technology. Foster youth are at risk for poor developmental outcomes and may face barriers to competent use of the Internet. We discuss the benefits and risks of Internet use and the importance of digital literacy to protect against risks, and we offer suggestions on ways that child welfare agencies, case managers, and foster parents can work with youth to support safe and effective use of digital technology.
POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENTDigital technology can be used to support positive youth development (PYD) through opportunities for learning that increase competence and confidence, by facilitating connections that can provide social support, for exploring the depth and diversity of values as youth develop their own values and character, and for expanding opportunities for caring for others. Foster youth face multiple challenges to the effective use of this increasingly important means of accessing resources and establishing connections with institutions and people. Acquiring the ability to use the Internet must also include the skills for protection and risk reduction that Internet use can present. We describe the potential benefits of Internet use from a PYD perspective and the importance of digital literacy to protect against risks, and we offer suggestions on ways youth as well as child welfare agencies, case managers, and foster parents can work with youth to support safe and effective use of the Internet and social media.
FOSTER YOUTH AND THE INTERNETFoster youth, who have experienced maltreatment followed by removal from their family, are at additional risk for placement instability or multiple placements during their average time in care of two years or more (Havlicek, 2011). Changes in placement often mean concurrent disruptions in