Forest succession can be monitored in the present, modelled for the future, but also reconstructed in the past on the records of forest history, including through the use of palaeo-ecological techniques. Longer-term records from pollen data can show changes over centennial and millennial timescales that are impacted by climate, migration or soil development. Having knowledge of previous phases of post-disturbance seral stages of woodland regeneration however, as after fire, can provide insights regarding successional process and function over short-term decadal timescales. The aim of this paper is to test the high-resolution pollen record as a source of new insights into processes of succession, assisted by the supplementary data of microscopic charcoal analyses. On short-term timescales, multiple phases of forest disturbance and then recovery have been identified in early to mid-Holocene peat records in northern England, many from the uplands but also from lowland areas. We identify and describe a typology of recovery patterns, including the composition and rate of recovery, and then test the processes and factors that impacted on different seral trajectories, concentrating on fire disturbance which might have had a natural origin, or might have been caused by pre-agricultural Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. Factors considered include the spatial location and intensity of the fire event, the duration of the disturbance phase, the structure and dynamics of the successional regeneration vegetation communities and the pre-disturbance tree cover. Data from examples of fire disturbance of woodland have been examined from both upland and lowland sites in northern England and indicate that they had different successional pathways after disturbance. Fire disturbances in the denser lowland forests were mostly single burn events followed by natural successions and regeneration to forest, whereas fire disturbances in the upland woods usually showed continued or repetitive fire pressure after the initial burning, arresting succession so that vegetation was maintained in a shrub phase, often dominated by Corylus, for an extended period of time until disturbance ceased. This creation of a kind of prolonged, almost plagioclimax, ‘fire-coppice’ hazel stage suggests controlled rather than natural successional pathways, and strongly suggests that Mesolithic foragers were the fire starters in the upland English woodlands where hazel was naturally common and could be maintained in abundance in later-stage successions, along with other edible plants, for human use. All post-fire seral stages would have been attractive to game animals, providing a reliable food source that would have been of great benefit to hunter-gatherer populations.