This study analyzes the effect of operating cash flow, earnings changes, leverage, and the intended use of the IPO proceeds on earnings management of companies in various industry sector making initial public offerings (IPOs) in Indonesian stock exchange. The samples of this study were selected using purposive sampling method in which there were 15 out of 33 companies in the period 1990-2012. The data used are secondary data from a variety of industry sectors. The company's prospectuses are obtained from the database of the Faculty of Economics, University of Jember, Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD), and other sources. The dependent variable in this study is earnings management measured using the ratio of Discretionary Accruals developed by Friedlan (1994). Independent variables consist of operating cash flow, earnings changes, the intended use of IPO proceeds measured as dummy variables, and leverage ratio measured as debt to equity ratio. The results showed that only operating cash flow has significant negative effect on earnings management. The change of earnings, leverage, and the intended use of IPO funds do not affect significantly the company's earnings management in various industry sector.