Let µ be the geometric realization on [0, 1] of a Gibbs measure on Σ = {0, 1} N associated with a Hölder potential. The thermodynamic and multifractal properties of µ are well known to be linked via the multifractal formalism. In this article, the impact of a random sampling procedure on this structure is studied.More precisely, let {Iw}w∈Σ * stand for the collection of dyadic subintervals of [0, 1] naturally indexed by the set of finite dyadic words Σ * . Fix η ∈ (0, 1), and a sequence (pw)w∈Σ * of independent Bernoulli variables of parameters 2 −|w|(1−η) (|w| is the length of w). We consider the (very sparse) remaining values µ = {µ(Iw) : w ∈ Σ * , pw = 1}.We prove that when η < 1/2, it is possible to entirely reconstruct µ from the sole knowledge of µ, while it is not possible when η > 1/2, hence a first phase transition phenomenon.We show that, for all η ∈ (0, 1), it is possible to reconstruct a large part of the initial multifractal structure of µ, via the fine study of µ. After reorganization, these coefficients give rise to a random capacity with new remarkable scaling and multifractal properties: its L q -spectrum exhibits two phase transitions, and has a rich thermodynamic and geometric structure.• Recovering from sparse information: The set of surviving vertices S j (η) has a cardinality of expectation 2 djη (which is exponentially less than the 2 dj initial coefficients), and is very sparse. The first question concerns the information remaining after the sampling operation. Can one recover the initial Gibbs measure µ (i.e. all the values (µ(I w )) w∈Σ * ) from the sole knowledge of µ?If not, what about recovering the free energy and multifractal spectrum of µ? • Structure of µ: The new object µ is not a capacity any more. Does it have a well-organized structure though? The last two above questions are of course related to each other. Concerning the reconstruction problematics, recovering the scaling behavior from sparse information is a very natural issue in signal processing (this is one issue in compressive sensing). This allows one to evaluate the "incompressible" information represented by the initial capacity. We bring an answer when µ is the geometric realization on [0, 1] of a Gibbs measure associated with a Hölder continuous potential on Σ, and more generally a non trivial Gibbs capacity. Specifically, the capacity µ satisfies that there exists a Gibbs measure ν, K > 0 and (α, β) ∈ R + × R + such thatand µ is not constant, so (α, β) = (0, 0) (see Section 2.1 for a precise definition of Gibbs measures and capacities).Theorem 1. Suppose that µ is a Gibbs capacity. With probability one, when η < 1/2, one can reconstruct, up to some multiplicative constant depending only on µ, all the values {µ(I w ) : w ∈ Σ * }, while when η > 1/2, it is impossible provided µ is not built from a potential on Σ depending on only finitely many letters.See Section 3, Theorem 4 for a more precise statement. This constitutes a first phase transition phenomenon at η = 1/2.Regarding recovering of statistical and geometri...