Orthodontic treatment in patients with no periodontal tissue breakdown vs. horizontal bone loss should be approached with caution even though it can bring significant benefits in terms of periodontal recovery and long-term success. We used the finite element method (FEM) to simulate various clinical scenarios regarding the periodontal involvement: healthy with no horizontal bone loss, moderate periodontal damage (33%) and severe horizontal bone loss (66%). Afterwards, forces of different magnitudes (0.25 N, 1 N, 3 N, and 5 N) were applied in order to observe the behavioral patterns. Through mathematical modeling, we recorded the maximum equivalent stresses (σ ech), the stresses on the direction of force application (σ c) and the displacements produced (f) in the whole tooth–periodontal ligament–alveolar bone complex with various degrees of periodontal damage. The magnitude of lingualization forces in the lower anterior teeth influences primarily the values of equivalent tension, then those of the tensions in the direction in which the force is applied, and lastly those of the displacement of the lower central incisor. However, in the case of the lower lateral incisor, it influences primarily the values of the tensions in the direction in which the force is applied, then those of equivalent tensions, and lastly those of displacement. Anatomical particularities should also be considered since they may contribute to increased periodontal risk in case of lingualization of the LLI compared to that of the LCI, with a potential emergence of the “wedge effect”. To minimize periodontal hazards, the orthodontic force applied on anterior teeth with affected periodontium should not exceed 1 N.