Maxillofacial traumas caused by gunshot wounds may cause quite varied defects. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reconstruction methods in 12 patients with gunshot wound-related mandibular and maxillofacial bony and soft tissue defects. Twelve patients who were operated on for maxillofacial gunshot wounds at our clinic between 2002 and 2012 were included in the study. Seven patients were wounded in a suicide attempt, and 5 were wounded as a result of an accident or in assaults. Two patients underwent reconstruction using free fibula osteocutaneous flap, 4 patients received the free radial forearm osteocutaneous flap, 2 patients received costal bone graft, and 3 patients received iliac bone grafts. Satisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes were achieved in cases where staged secondary reconstruction, balloon treatment, and consecutive fat and steroid injections into the depressed scar areas were applied. In conclusion, the basic goal in maxillofacial reconstruction is the functional and aesthetic reconstruction of the contours. Because it is not easy to get perfect results with only 1 clinical approach or 1 method, the proper timing and reconstruction method should be selected.