The expression of manganese peroxidase in nitrogen-limited cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium is dependent on Mn, and initial work suggested that Mn regulates transcription of the mnp gene. In this study, using Northern (RNA) blot analysis of kinetic, dose-response, and inhibitor experiments, we demonstrate unequivocally that Mn regulates mnp gene transcription. The Lignin, the most abundant aromatic polymer, is a complex, optically inactive phenylpropanoid matrix that constitutes 15 to 30% of woody plant cell walls (10, 41). White rot basidiomycetes are primarily responsible for the initiation of the decomposition of lignin in wood (8, 20, 26). The beststudied lignin-degrading basidiomycete, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, degrades lignin during the secondary metabolic (idiophasic) phase of growth, which is triggered by limiting cultures for nutrient nitrogen (20,26). Under ligninolytic conditions, P. chrysosporium secretes two extracellular heme peroxidases-manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP)-which, along with an H202-generating system, are apparently the major components of its lignin degradation system (8,20,26). The structure and mechanism of LiP have been examined extensively (20,22,26,42), and cDNA (12, 48) and genomic clones (4, 46, 49) encoding several LiP isozymes have been characterized.MnP was discovered in our laboratory (28) and has been purified and characterized (16,17,20,28,37,50,51
MATERIALS AND METHODSCulture conditions. P. chrysosporium OGC101 (3) was maintained on slants as previously described (19). The organism was grown at 38°C from a conidial inoculum in 20-ml stationary cultures in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks as described previously (13). Cultures were incubated under air for 2 days, after which they were purged daily with 100% 02-The medium was as previously described (7,27), with 2% glucose as the carbon source, 1.2 mM ammonium tartrate as the limiting nitrogen source, 20 mM sodium-2,2-dimethylsuccinate (pH 4.5) as the buffer, and a modified trace elements solution (7)