In the more than 50 years since the first manganese compound with MnC bonds was crystallographically characterized (Mn
, in 1957), the number of structurally authenticated organomanganese compounds has grown to several thousands. The richness of structural features in organomanganese compounds now rivals that of any other first row transition metal. The range of structural features and bond types is large, and encompasses MnC, MnC, and MnC bonds, as well as complexes with MnMn, MnMn, and MnMn linkages. Crystallographically characterized examples are known with oxidation states from Mn
to Mn
, and the accessibility of two spin states of comparable energy in complexes of Mn
adds an additional variable to the fundamental structural types. The present review of structural organomanganese chemistry focuses largely on crystallographically characterized complexes, whose geometries are the most reliably established. Representative examples of major compound classes are considered, and statistical analysis of typical bond length ranges is provided for various Mn/C and Mn/Mn interactions. Bond lengths in organomanganese compounds are highly context‐sensitive, and even when only a specific bond order is under consideration, the spread of distances makes comparisons difficult unless closely related molecules are examined.