This Editorial has the intention to stress the complex chemistry and biology of redox-active compounds, regarded as SOD mimics. It further aims to caution the researchers of the importance of being up-to-date with the present knowledge on such compounds and their cellular redox biology when coming up with their conclusions, based on the particular species involved in their studies. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 20, 2323-2325.T he Forum on SOD therapeutics was primarily designed to address the most updated understanding of the role of such compounds. These are mainly redox-active metal-based compounds, designed to mimic SOD enzymes in vivo. If they are to mimic SOD enzymes, they must have the ability to easily accept electrons from one molecule of superoxide, O 2 -, and give it back to another O 2 -, performing such reactions at the reduction potential close to the reduction potential of SOD enzymes. That immediately teaches us that good SOD mimics have the potential to be as good antioxidants/reductants as they are pro-oxidants. This is an extremely important fact to be considered, in particular, with mechanistic studies. Keeping in mind that O 2 -is neither a strong antioxidant/reductant nor a strong pro-oxidant and that numerous biomolecules react with it, one can easily imagine that SOD mimics will react with numerous targets in vitro and in vivo. To further support such likelihood, it must be also kept in mind that small-molecular-weight SOD mimics lack the limitations imposed by the tertiary structure of the SOD proteins, and thus nonselectively interact with various redoxactive biomolecules. Thus, if compounds are of reduction potential similar to that of enzyme, which good SOD mimics must have to readily exchange electrons with superoxide, a wide range of reactions are indeed possible. Keeping further in mind that the very potent SOD mimics, cationic Mn porphyrins, with excellent electrostatics for O 2 -, which contributes *2 log-units to the catalysis of O 2 -dismutation, have also superior electrostatics for the reactions with other anionic species, both small and large and, in particular, deprotonated thiols. In turn, this further supports the likelihood of the wide range of the reactivities of SOD mimics. We and others reported thus far on such reactivities (2,4,8,9). Yet, these reports have still made only modest impact on the field of Redox Biology and Drug Design. We hope that this Forum may further point to the very complex redox chemistry and biology of these compounds from a mechanistic point of view (2). We are far away from fully comprehending the full spectrum of their actions and therapeutic effects they may cause. For example, the anionic Mn porphyrin, Mn(III) mesotetrakis(4-carboxylatophenyl)porphyrin, MnTBAP 3 -, is convincingly shown not to be an SOD mimic (1). Yet, it is often used as an SOD mimic to support the conclusion on the involvement of O 2 -such as most recently in (6). However, the wealth of data, ours included, suggests the impact of this compound on NO/HNO/ONOO -biology (1...