We use the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation for numerically addressing the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) regime in terms of many-body physics at higher Landau levels (LL) for almost macroscopic systems. We investigate the formation of wide compressible edge stripes. In contrast to a widening of the narrow edge channels due to e-e interactions as proposed by Chklovskii, Shklovskii and Glazman (CSG), we find that many body interactions preserve the existence of narrow quantum channels like assumed by the early models based on non-interacting single electrons. In agreement with CSG, wide compressible stripes in terms of wide edge potential terraces are created, but the driving mechanism is different. The compressibility consists of an arrangement of clusters of full and empty spin-split Landau levels that can only vary in size. The still narrow channels are created by the cluster boundaries and resemble a network that appears arranged on top of those wide compressible stripes. All together, our modelling shows that the IQHE regime carries the hallmark of many body physics.