SUMMARYRedundancy in motion, and synergy in neuromuscular coordination provides significant versatility to the human fingers while performing coordinated grasping and manipulation tasks in several ways. This paper explores how humans may resolve the redundancy in their thumb, index and middle fingers when these digits flex to cooperatively translate a small object toward the palm. It is observed that humans actively employ a secondary subtask of maximizing instantaneous manipulability that helps determine all intermediate finger configurations when performing the primary subtask of following a tip trajectory. This behavior is accurately captured by an inverse kinematic model based on aredundancyparameter. The joint angles get determined unambiguously though the redundancy parameter is shown to depend on the instantaneous finger configurations and also, to attain negative values. Further, this parameter is noted to vary significantly across subjects performing the same kinematic task. The findings, that are based on the experimental finger motion data garnered from 12 subjects, are reckoned to be of significant importance, especially in reference to the challenges in design and control of finger exoskeletons for cooperative manipulation.