“…2H , ANOVA [n=95775], effect of region (chosen/unchosen) [df=1, F=322, p<10 −72 , η 2 =10 −3 ], effect of VTE [df=1, F=72, p<10 −17 , η 2 =10 −3 ], interaction [df=1,F=142, p< 10 −32 ,η 2 =10 −3 ]). This suggests that on laps in which the rats ran ballistically through the choice point (not showing VTE), they knew their target goal before arriving at the choice point, and the hippocampal sequences preferentially reflected only the chosen goal (Wikenheiser and Redish, 2015b; Amemiya and Redish, 2016). However, consistent with previous work (Johnson and Redish, 2007; Amemiya and Redish, 2016), on VTE laps, the hippocampal sequences were more equally divided between the two options.…”