Understanding the interactions between as emiconducting nanocrystal surface and chiral anchoring molecules could resolve the mechanism of chirality induction in nanoscale and facilitate the rational design of chiral semiconducting materials for chiroptics.N ow,c hiral molybdenum oxide nanoparticles are presented in which chirality is transferred via abio-to-nano approach. With facile control of the amount of chiral cysteine molecules under redox treatment, circular dichroism (CD) signals are generated in the plasmon region and metal-ligand charge-transfer band. The obtained enhanced CD signals with tunable lineshapes illustrate the possibility of using chiral molybdenum oxide nanoparticles as potentials for chiral semiconductor nanosensors,optoelectronics,and photocatalysts. Figure 2. XPS spectra of different l-Cys capped NPs with deconvoluted Mo 3d peaks. Blue, orange, and green peak areas corresponds to three valence states of molybdenum with Mo VI ,M o V ,and Mo IV respectively.