S U M M A R YHigh frequency precursors to P P almost invariably observe a narrow 660 km discontinuity, whereas PP precursor studies at long periods struggle to detect a reflection from the '660' despite its apparent sharpness to P P . To investigate these contradictory observations we compare PP and P P precursors in the same region. Using short period P P precursors we observe a sharp 660 km discontinuity, which appears to vary in depth substantially. The apparent topography on the '660' is too large to originate solely from thermal variations, regardless of its cause, therefore indicating chemical variations at the base of the mantle transition zone. Long period P P precursors show no '660' as they are sensitive to a larger area and thus average out the apparent topography, in agreement with long period PP precursors. Instead, we see some evidence in both long period data types for a reflection from 720 km depth, which is likely to correspond to a phase change in the garnet system. Key words: Mantle processes; Composition of the mantle; Body waves .
I N T RO D U C T I O NThe 660 km seismic discontinuity (the '660') at the base of the mantle transition zone (MTZ) marks the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. The seismic signature of the '660' is attributed to the post-spinel phase transition in olivine, in which ringwoodite transforms into perovskite and periclase (Ita & Stixrude 1992). The nature of the 660 km seismic discontinuity governs the behaviour of the mantle as a whole, with its properties as a chemical and mechanical boundary controlling mantle convection and the fate of subducting slabs (Schubert et al. 2001).Observations of the 660 km seismic discontinuity in precursors to body waves have painted a complex and sometimes even contradictory picture. Despite the common observations of P 660P at short periods (Benz & Vidale 1993;LeStunff et al. 1995), longer period P660P signals are rarely seen (Estabrook & Kind 1996;Shearer & Flanagan 1999). Studies that do record a P660P signal detect an intermittent and complicated discontinuity (Deuss et al. Here, we explore the complex and potentially contradictory observations of the '660' in compressional body waves by directly comparing P P and long period PP precursor observations in the same region under South East Africa. We investigate the topography of the 660 km discontinuity and the frequency dependence of the seismic signals to reconcile the PP and P P observations.
DATA A N D M E T H O D SSurface reflected body waves such as PP and P P are preceded by smaller amplitude arrivals, known as precursors. These arrivals have been reflected at discontinuities below the Earth's surface and are therefore sensitive to the impedance change at the discontinuity. P P df (also known as PKIKPPKIKP and hereafter as P P ) is a seismic phase which traverses the entire Earth before reflecting off the Earth's surface, as illustrated in Fig. 1. P P precursors are referred to as P dP , where 'd' denotes the depth of the interface at which they have been reflected. ...