Background: Mohamed Khalifa has been healing even the most severe muscle and joint injuries in Austria for more than 40 years, without surgery, only with his hands by applying pressure on the skin. In this article, the author summarises the first scientific results trying to describe the way of functioning of this unusual form of therapy called RegentK. Historical aspects, regional oxygen saturation of deeper knee tissues, thermographic measurements, and electrodermal mapping are described in detail. Summary: Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a high-incidence injury usually treated surgically. According to common knowledge, it does not heal spontaneously, although some claim the opposite. RegentK was developed for injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In one study, it was shown that after 3 months, 47% of the RegentK patients, but no physiotherapy patient, demonstrated an end-to-end homogeneous ACL on magnetic resonance imaging. Key Messages: We conclude that ACL healing can be improved with RegentK.