The 2.5 dimensional silica fiber reinforced nitride matrix composites (2.5D SiO 2f /Si 3 N 4 -BN) were prepared through the preceramic polymer impregnation pyrolysis (PIP) method. The ablation and radar-wave transparent performances of the composite at high temperature were evaluated under arc jet. The composition and ablation surface microstructures were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the 2.5D SiO 2f /Si 3 N 4 -BN composites have a linear ablation rate of 0.33 mm/s and high radar-wave transparent ratio of 98.6%. The fused layer and the matrix are protected by each other, and no fused layer accumulates on the ablation surface. The nitride composite is a high-temperature ablation resistivity and microwave transparent material. silica fibers, nitride matrix composites, ablation and radar-wave transparent performances When a spacecraft flies at hypersonic speed, air is ionized and high-Mach plasma flow forms on the boundary layer as a result of aerothermal effect. The nosetip materials will be ablated and the nosetip shape will be changed. Furthermore, for one material, its dielectric performance at high or room temperatures is different [1] , which has an effect on the radar-wave transmission characters [2] . Therefore a radar window for a reentry vehicle should process critical properties, such as high resistance to stress failure induced by large thermal impact, high radar-wave transmission efficiency at room and high temperatures, and very high ablation resistance.The monolithic window materials, however, are susceptible to mechanical failure caused by shock wave loading at ultra high temperature, and the destructive result is catastrophic. The continuous fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites have received considerable attention for structural applications because of their excellent thermal stability, light weight, and damage tol-