Banana is a highly nutritive food, low cost, easy to find and can be fully consumed. In its green maturation, the nutritive value is also interesting. This paper aimed to investigate studies that elaborated pasta and bakery products using biomass and green banana flour, and evaluate chemical, technology and sensory quality, besides whether these products could be considered gluten‐free alternatives. Among the included studies, cakes (35%), bread (25%) and pasta (20%) were the most studied products. In general, they succeeded in evaluating chemical, technological and sensory parameters. In terms of technological quality, breads were considered the most challenging foods to be prepared with green banana derivatives, possibly due to the lack of gluten network, extensibility, viscoelasticity, water and gas‐holding capacity. Only 45% of the papers made gluten‐free products. Green banana added to these products could be widely consumed by people, since it is a versatile alternative for many food possibilities, adding nutritional quality to the final product and helping on the prevention of food waste.