This study was designed to assess Challenges and Opportunities for Safeguarding of Traditional church schools of South Gondar Zone. To achieve the objectives of this research, Qualitative research approach and a crosssectional research design was employed. The principal sources of data for this research were both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from purposively selected interviewees and discussants through semistructured interviews and focus group discussion, and by the researchers' field observation whereas published and unpublished documents related with the study were secondary sources. The findings of this study revealed that expansion of Modern Education, low salary for Teachers, high unemployment rate for those specialized in church education, shortage of financial support for Church schools, lack of basic needs for students and teachers, absence of documentation, Shortage of learning Text books, lack of attention, and Poor Promotion of Traditional Schools of Ethiopian Orthodox Church are challenges to safeguard it. The finding of this study also asserted that the establishment of Mahebere Qidusan, the existence of voluntary organization such as Tabor society to support traditional church schools, diocese strong commitment to support traditional church schools both in finance and in kind, the existence of churches decorated with pre-Gondarine and Gondarine paintings, and rich in priceless log aged treasures, and its geographical accessibility are opportunities to safeguard traditional church schools.