We present a detailed theoretical study on the photoionization of one-and twoelectron atoms subject to external changing plasma environment based on the DebyeHückel model. Specifically, by examining the migration of the bound excited states into the continuum in the presence of plasma, our investigation has led to resonance-like photoionization structures immediately above the ionization thresholds for , − , and atoms. For , unlike the usual Fano-Beutler resonances due to the configuration mixing between the doubly excited components and the singly ionization channel with different 1 2 angular momenta combination in the final state wavefunction, these plasma induced resonance-like structures result from the mixing of the quasi-bound and continuum components of the same 1 2 combination in the final state function. With a number of specific examples, we will show that the general features of these spectra could be linked directly to the overlap at small between the effective wave functions of the outgoing ionized electron and the atomic electron in its initial states. PACS number(s); 32.80.Fb, 32.80.Gc, 32.20.Jc, 52.25.Os 1