With the growing concerns on environmental issues, employing sustainable practices has become one of the most significant issues in today's business agenda. Sustainable packaging is an umbrella term referring to different packaging related operations at various levels of supply chains. This study investigates the sustainable packaging practices and inhibiting factors in packaging supply chains. Semi-structured expert interviews were employed with a quartic perspective, involving diverse packaging supply chain members. By proposing a Sustainable Packaging Practices Model (SPPM), nine sustainable packaging practices are presented: (1) raise awareness, (2) innovate: sustainable raw materials and processes, (3) reduce packaging material and carbon footprint, (4) recollect and reuse, (5) save energy and use sustainable energy sources, (6) sort waste and recycle, (7) consume water less and recycle water, (8) certify, (9) co-create. Moreover, the findings of the study show that the scarcity and high costs of sustainable raw materials, low demand for sustainable packaging, legal incompatibilities, and production and quality related issues inhibit sustainable packaging practices.