Abstract:The problem of variational data assimilation (estimation) for a nonlinear model is considered in general operator formulation. Hessian-based methods are presented to compute the estimation error covariances. The importance of dynamic formulation and the role of the Hessian and its inverse are discussed.
Keywords:Variational data assimilation, optimality system, Hessian, estimation error covariance.
MSC 2010: 65K10, 86A22, 93B40Data assimilation (state or parameter estimation) for high-dimensional distributed parameter dynamical systems has become a powerful analysis tool in recent decades. It is a fusion process of incomplete and, possibly, indirect observations of state variables with a mathematical model governed by partial differential equations, complemented by a priori information. The applications include model initialization in meteorology and oceanography, air and water quality monitoring, 'calibration' of groundwater and reservoir models, discharge estimation and forecasting in river hydraulics and hydrology, flow estimation and control in aerospace engineering, process control in chemical and nuclear engineering, etc. In different applications these estimation problems are also referred as 'inverse problems', 'data assimilation' (DA), and 'calibration'. Variational methods were introduced in meteorology by Sasaki [27]. These methods consider the equations governing the flow as constraints and the problem is closed by using a variational principle, e.g., the minimization of the discrepancy between the model prediction and the observations. Optimal Control Approach ( [30]. Therefore, variational estimation/DA is a method based on the optimal control theory, which can also be understood as a special case of the maximum a-posteriory probability (MAP) estimator [8]. This method is preferred for weather and ocean forecasting in major operational centers around the globe, particularly in the form of the incremental 4D-Var [7], and in the form of the ensemble 4D-Var [6]. Variational estimation is widely used in other scientific and engineering applications, such as aerospace engineering [2] and astrophysics [4], to mention a few.Uncertainty quantification is an important topic closely associated with estimation and data assimilation. An overview of the original works by the authors on the Hessian-based advanced methodology for computing the estimation error covariances in the framework of variational estimation is presented in the coming sections. The main results are given in a general operator formulation. The accent is made on feasibility of the suggested methods for the uncertainty quantification in high-dimensions, where the statistical methods (Monte Carlo involving associated tricks, e.g., localization, importance sampling, etc.) may not produce a sensible outcome due to a very small sample being available. Some of the approaches could equally be useful for improving (in terms of acceleration, memory savings and robustness) the estimation/DA technique itself.