Pilot-scale struvite crystallisation tests using anaerobic effluent from potato processing industries were performed at three different plants. Two plants (P1 &P 2) showed high phosphate removale fficiencies, 89 + 3% and 75 + 8%, resulting in final effluent levels of 12 + 3m gP O /h of anaerobic effluent from ad iary industry also showed Ca 2 1 interference. Initially in this plant, influent phosphatel evels ranging from 40 to 45 mg PO 3 4 -P/L were decreased to below 10 mg PO 3 4 -P/L, but no struvite was produced. As hift in Ca 2 þ = PO 3 4 -P molar ratio from 2.69 to 1.36 by an increased phosphate concentration resulted in average total phosphorusr emoval of 78 + 7%, correspondingw ith effluent levels of 14 + 4m g P total /L(9 + 3m gP O 3 4 -P/L). Under these conditions pure spherical struvite pellets of 2-6 mm were produced.