“…A successor of PBcR(Miller et al, 2008) (Koren et al, 2017) SMARTdenovo Fast and reasonably accurate OLC assembler for long reads without prior error correction step(Giordano et al, 2017) TULIP Efficient assembler for large and complex genome using seed extension(Jansen et al, 2017) Falcon Long read assembler for phased diploid genome(Chin et al, 2016) Miniasm Efficient assembler for SMRT and ONT reads without an error correction(Li, 2016) NanoSV Breakpoint junction detection of structural variant using mapping BAM file produced by LAST(Cretu Stancu et al, 2017) Sniffles Structural variation caller using automatic filtering of false events based on coverage data(Sedlazeck et al, 2018) npInv Specially designed tool for non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) inversions BWA-MEM Leading short read mapping tool tuned to work with ONT recently https://github.com/lh3/bwa Others NanoPipe Interactive web-based tool for fast and easy processing and analysis of the ONT data(Shabardina et al, 2019) BulkVis Visualization tool for bulk FAST5 files obtained from ONT sequencing A successor of PBcR(Miller et al, 2008) (Koren et al, 2017) SMARTdenovo Fast and reasonably accurate OLC assembler for long reads without prior error correction step(Giordano et al, 2017) TULIP Efficient assembler for large and complex genome using seed extension(Jansen et al, 2017) Falcon Long read assembler for phased diploid genome(Chin et al, 2016) Miniasm Efficient assembler for SMRT and ONT reads without an error correction(Li, 2016) NanoSV Breakpoint junction detection of structural variant using mapping BAM file produced by LAST(Cretu Stancu et al, 2017) Sniffles Structural variation caller using automatic filtering of false events based on coverage data(Sedlazeck et al, 2018) npInv Specially designed tool for non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) inversions BWA-MEM Leading short read mapping tool tuned to work with ONT recently https://github.com/lh3/bwa Others NanoPipe Interactive web-based tool for fast and easy processing and analysis of the ONT data(Shabardina et al, 2019) BulkVis Visualization tool for bulk FAST5 files obtained from ONT sequencing…”