While interest in mapping the patterns of publication and research in post-Soviet countries has been growing steadily, there is a gap in knowledge about how gender is featured in post-Soviet research and publications. Using a descriptive bibliometric approach and metadata extracted from 2822 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection database for 1993–2021, this study seeks to understand the evolution of gender research in post-Soviet countries. The analysis revealed a notable increase in gender research and publications since the breakup of the Soviet Union, particularly between 2017 and 2021; however, the contribution of the post-Soviet countries to international research on gender remains insignificant. Russia, Estonia and Ukraine are at the forefront of gender research among post-Soviet states, while Caucasus and Central Asian countries, except Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, contribute to the lower degree. Although research collaboration among post-Soviet researchers is increasing, researchers tend to mainly collaborate internally with authors from the same countries and institutions, and very few authors collaborate across post-Soviet states or internationally. The topics of publications in post-Soviet gender research incorporate different subjects, with most articles published within psychology and behavioral sciences, while gender research in sociological and political economy disciplines is still evolving.