Volume 35, issue 2 is a special topic issue-all articles include research conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they discuss some aspects of the impact of the pandemic on advanced academics. While the print version is published in May, articles in issue 35(2) have been released #OnlineFirst as soon as available. Most of the 35(2) articles are posted #OnlineFirst in February 2024, a fitting timeframe given the 4-year anniversary mark.Current headlines speak of a triple-demic (the flu, RSV, and COVID-19) but I wrote of a different triple pandemic taking place in 2020: COVID-19; racism and anti-Blackness; and poverty and the (un)employment crisis (see Novak, 2022). It is with this triple pandemic in mind that thriving fits as an overarching concept for the articles in 35(2), specifically, thriving as conceptualized by Bettina Love in We Want to Do More Than Survive. Dr. Love states: "Mattering, citizenship, community sovereignty, and humanity go hand in hand with the ideas of democracy, liberty, and justice for all, which are the unalienable rights needed to thrive" (Love, 2019, p. 2). Thriving is more than surviving, it is living with purpose, it is recognition (and being valued), it is health (and health care), it is joy; it is any number of experiences and emotions that eclipse survival.