This paper presents a process calculus framework for modeling ubiquitous computing systems and dynamic component-based structures as location graphs. A key aspect of the framework is its ability to model nested locations with sharing, while allowing the dynamic reconfiguration of the location graph, and the dynamic update of located processes. database is destroyed so are its subcomponents). The cache component CC in this example is thus part of two wholes, the database DB and the virtual machine V 1. Surprisingly, most formal models of computation and software architecture do not provide support for a direct modelling of containment structures with sharing. On the one hand, one finds numerous formal models of computation and of component software with strictly hierarchic structures, such as Mobile Ambients and their different variants [7, 6], the Kell calculus [25], BIP [4], Ptolemy [26], or, at more abstract level, Milner's bigraphs [20]. In bigraphs, for instance, it would be natural to model the containment relationships in our database example as instances of sub-node relationships in bigraphs, because nodes correspond to agents in a bigraph. Yet this is not possible because the sub-node relation in a bigraph is restricted to form a forest. To model the above example as a bigraph would require choosing which containment relation (placement in a virtual machine or being a subcomponent of the database) to represent by means of the sub-node relation, and to model the other relation by means of bigraph edges. This asymetry in modelling is hard to justify for both containment relations are proper examples of whole-part relationships. On the other hand, one finds formal component models such as Reo [1], π-ADL [22], Synchronized Hyperedge Replacement (SHR) systems [14], SRM-Light [15], that represent only interaction structures among components, and not containment relationships, and models that support the modeling of nonhierarchical containment structures, but with other limitations. Our own work on the Kell calculus with sharing [16] allows to model non-hierarchical containment structures but places constraints on the dependencies that can be modelled. For instance, the lifetime dependency constraints associated with the virtual machines and the database in our example above (if the aggregate or composite dies so do its sub-components) cannot be both easily modeled. The reason is that the calculus still enforces an ownership tree between components for the purpose of passivation: components can only passivate components lower down in the tree (i.e. suspend their execution and capture their state). The formal model which comes closer to supporting non strictly hierarchical containment structures is probably CommUnity [28], where component containment is modelled as a form of superposition, and can be organized as an arbitrary graph. However, in CommUnity, possible reconfigurations in a component assemblage are described as graph transformation rules that are separate from the behavior of components, making it dif...