“…Geociênc., 2022;45:40955 Group, described by Angelim, Medeiros and Nesi (2006) as a metasedimentary sequence formed by the following units: Serra dos Quintos Formation (BIFs, marble, ferruginous quartzite, amphibolite, and schist), Jucurutu Formation (primarily paragneiss, marble, quartzite, iron formations and metaconglomerate), Equador Formation (muscovitequartzite) and Seridó Formation (feldspathic mica schist) (Figure 2). The BIF rocks of the Serra dos Quintos Formation gather an assemblage of itabirites (proto-iron ore types) previously studied by Barbosa (2013), Fonteles et al (2019a), Fonteles, Pereira and Veríssimo (2019b) and Fonteles et al (2020).…”