We examined whether the size-related shift from refuges to exposed surfaces by Iceland scallops Chlamys lslandlca In the Mlngan Islands, northeln Gulf of St Lawrence, eastern Canada, is caused by behavioural changes in their tendency to use lefuges or by decreasing refuge availability as they increase in size A laboratory expenment indicated that the frequency of refuge use did not vary with scallop size when the entrance to available refuges was sufficiently large which suggests that the tendency of scallops to use refuges does not change dunng ontogeny The size of cievices used incleased w t h scallop size, indicating that the size structure of refuges potentially could determine size-specific refuge use Our field observations using SCUBA indicated that the availability of sultably sized refuges (shells of the bivalve Splsula polynyma] decreased markedly with increasing scallop size Slze-related changes in the frequency of refuge use were positively correlated with refuge avallabil~ty suggesting that the shift from refuges to exposed surfaces is caused by decreasing availability of suitably sized refuges as scallops lncrease in size However the density of iefuges was generally greater than the density of scallops, which suggested that refuges were utllized below their carrying capacity The proport1011 of adequately slzed refuges which were occupied by scallops was low ( < l 5 %) and decreased with lncreas~ng scallop slze possibly because scallops had increasing difficulty In locatlng refuges of suitable size as they Increased in size That the shells used as refuges by scallops covered only 6 4 % of the bottom should decrease the probability of their being found Further, because the frequency of suitable refuges decreased wlth increasing scallop size, scallops should progressively have increasing difficulty in locating refuges This would llkely increase the time scallops are exposed to predators while searching for refuges, which is hkely to be cntical for small scallops glven thelr high vulnerability to predators Hence encounter rates w~t h refuges could potentially produce a demographic bottleneck In respect to survlval of recrults